’A Drummer’s Guide To...’ is the podcast that dives into everything it takes to thrive as a professional musician beyond the practice room. Hosted by Emily Dolan Davies, a drummer since 1999, pro since 2008, and a passionate mentor since 2018, this show unpacks the real-world challenges, triumphs, and strategies for building the career of your dreams. Whether you’re chasing gigs, navigating the music industry, or balancing passion with practicality, Emily’s got your back with honest insights and inspiring stories. Find out more about Emily at EmilyDrums.com

Saturday Dec 02, 2023
129 - Recent Musings
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Join me on this episode, A Drummer's Guide To... Recent Musings as I share some of the thoughts I've been having the last few weeks, and talk about nothing in particular! It's a rambling ramble y'all! Let me know if any of it resonates with you, and I'll flesh out some full episodes for you delving further :-)
---If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums---
#ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #professionalmusician #drummer #drums #drumming #lessons #drumlesson #drumlessons #remoterecording #homestudio #remotesession #productivity #ama #askmeanything

Saturday Nov 25, 2023
128 - Self Talk
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Join me on this episode, A Drummer's Guide To... Self-Talk as I share the things the voices in my head tell me! Yep, a reaaaaallll insight! I also share how I've gone from letting them sabotage me, to actually becoming friends with them. I hope this resonates with you cause my biggest fear is people finding out how insane it is in my brain at any given time!
---If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums---
#ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #professionalmusician #drummer #drums #drumming #lessons #drumlesson #drumlessons #remoterecording #homestudio #remotesession #productivity #ama #askmeanything

Saturday Nov 11, 2023
127 - Faffing
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Join me on this episode, A Drummer's Guide To... Faffing as I talk about what faffing around, or tinkering with little almost inconsequential things is a sign of for me and how I stop myself so I can address what's ACTUALLY important! Thanks to Kevin Cook for the inspiration for this episode! :-)
---If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums---
#ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #professionalmusician #drummer #drums #drumming #lessons #drumlesson #drumlessons #remoterecording #homestudio #remotesession #productivity #ama #askmeanything

Saturday Nov 04, 2023
126 - Feathers and Cogs
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Join me on this episode, A Drummer's Guide To... Feathers and Cogs as I share a concept to illustrate the reality of what it takes to become great at your instrument, or anything for that matter! I share my own cogs that I'm still calibrating, and some of my favourite books that have helped tackle the realistic (often boring!) day to day tasks that must be done to ensure a better future me! ---If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums--- #ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #professionalmusician #drummer #drums #drumming #lessons #drumlesson #drumlessons #remoterecording #homestudio #remotesession #productivity #ama #askmeanything

Saturday Oct 28, 2023
125 - Positive Imposter Syndrome
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Could imposter syndrome be positive?
Join me in this week's podcast episode of A Drummer's Guide To... as I explore this idea, and share how I use my imposter syndrome as a force for good in my own life (whilst getting a bit agro with it sometimes too!)! I'd also love to hear how you've used it in a positive way for yourself too!
---If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums---
#ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #professionalmusician #drummer #drums #drumming #lessons #drumlesson #drumlessons #remoterecording #homestudio #remotesession #productivity #ama #askmeanything

Saturday Oct 21, 2023
124 - Feeling Unmotivated And Defeated
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
Join me as I share how I deal with feeling unmotivated and defeated, and yes I get those feelings as we all do! In fact I start the episode feeling rather flat, and you can see the physical change happen in me as the episode goes on! Real-time baby! Hope this helps gives you some ideas for yourself, and at the very least make you feel less alone in the way you might be feeling right now. We're all in this together!
---If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums---
#ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #professionalmusician #drummer #drums #drumming #lessons #drumlesson #drumlessons #remoterecording #homestudio #remotesession #productivity #ama #askmeanything

Saturday Oct 14, 2023
123 - Your Inner Critic Compass
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
What is your inner critic trying to tell you?
In this episode I share how I turned my inner critic into one of my best friends, and use it as one of my greatest resources to take action in a way that is in line with what I truly want in my life. I hope this resonates with you, and the book I cite is The Chimp Paradox by Professor Steve Peters: https://chimpmanagement.com/books-by-professor-steve-peters/the-chimp-paradox/
---If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums---
#ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #MusicPodcast #EducationPodcast #BusinessPodcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #diymusician #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #bts

Saturday Oct 07, 2023
122 - Finding Your Superpower
Saturday Oct 07, 2023
Saturday Oct 07, 2023
What is your greatest superpower?
Join me as I share what I think mine are, and hopefully inspire you to explore your own strengths along with the 'Kryptonite' element that comes with every superpower. Confused? Awesome! Welcome to my brain - come on in :-)
---If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums---
#ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #professionalmusician #drummer #drums #drumming #lessons #drumlesson #drumlessons #remoterecording #homestudio #remotesession #productivity #ama #askmeanything

Saturday Sep 30, 2023
121 - Creativity
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
Join me on this episode as I explore my own journey with creativity, how I harness my creativity, and expand its definition past where most would!
If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums
#ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #MusicPodcast #EducationPodcast #BusinessPodcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #diymusician #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #bts

Saturday Sep 23, 2023
120 - Successful Musician Traits
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
What are some of the common traits that all musicians posses?
This was a question I obsessed over (I know, doesn't sound like me) for many years! Join me as a share my research and findings from about age 17 to present day (ABL - Always Be Learnin!)! Let me know if it resonates with you too :-)
If you'd like to support this podcast, now you can at https://www.patreon.com/emilydrums
#ADrummersGuideTo #Podcast #MusicPodcast #EducationPodcast #BusinessPodcast #promusicians #musicianproblems #musiciansofig #sessionmusician #musicianlifestyle #diymusician #sessiondrummer #musiceducation #musicianslife #behindthescenes #musicindustry #bts