’A Drummer’s Guide To...’ is the podcast that dives into everything it takes to thrive as a professional musician beyond the practice room. Hosted by Emily Dolan Davies, a drummer since 1999, pro since 2008, and a passionate mentor since 2018, this show unpacks the real-world challenges, triumphs, and strategies for building the career of your dreams. Whether you’re chasing gigs, navigating the music industry, or balancing passion with practicality, Emily’s got your back with honest insights and inspiring stories. Find out more about Emily at EmilyDrums.com

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Talking On Camera
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
This is such a meta subject! Thanks so much for the question Alejandro!
He is asking how to talk to the camera comfortably... In this episode I share how I do it, what I keep in my mind, how I know if a video is good enough to release into the world, and how I used to be rubbish at it!
I hope this helps you if you're trying to get better at taking on and to the camera or microphone :-)
Want to start offering remote recording services? Watch my free workshop to find out the first steps to take, how to get clients, and what you should be charging: https://www.RemoteRecordingBusiness.com/workshop

Monday Jul 13, 2020
Recording Last Of Our Kind with The Darkness
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Sit with me for 15 mins whilst I take a trip down memory lane to when I got to record drums on Last Of Our Kind with the legends that are The Darkness! Such fond memories, and an album that I am immensely proud to have been a part of!
If you haven't heard the album, then you can head over here to have a listen: https://open.spotify.com/album/54WyVRdcIGAwCFxW9HEOu8
Want to start offering remote recording services? Watch my free workshop to find out the first steps to take, how to get clients, and what you should be charging: https://www.RemoteRecordingBusiness.com/workshop

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Keeping Fit On The Road And In The Studio
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
This question is from the gorgeous Yuli Michalaki, who is asking about how I keep fir on the road, or in the studio, or just generally!
In this video, I discuss how I try to make a fitness regime as easy as humanly possible to keep, and minimizing the decisions and variables involved, and working it into my already hectic schedule! Hope this helps if you're struggling with finding the time to work out, get fit and stay healthy, and thank you to Yuli for the question!
To find out more about Yuli, head here: https://www.yogaallianceprofessionals.org/united-kingdom/barnet/yoga-teacher/yuli-michalaki
Want to start offering remote recording services? Watch my free workshop to find out the first steps to take, how to get clients, and what you should be charging: https://www.RemoteRecordingBusiness.com/workshop

Monday Jun 29, 2020
How To Festival Effectively
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
This a great question from Nathan, who is asking, what advice would I have about playing festivals, best practices etc etc...
In this video, I share the best way to deal with festivals within your own realm, whilst also being mindful of the 'bigger picture', making new friends on and off stage, and how to be a pleasure to work with and get the promoter/festival/other artists, begging you to come back!
Hope this answers your question, Nathan :-)
Want to start offering remote recording services? Watch my free workshop to find out the first steps to take, how to get clients, and what you should be charging: https://www.RemoteRecordingBusiness.com/workshop

Monday Jun 22, 2020
How to NOT Get Overwhelmed
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
I have so many things to do, I don't know where to start, and when I write them all down into a list, I feel overwhelmed, and unable to take action!
That was me, has been me in the past, occasionally is me still before I catch myself! Overwhelm has been the single most debilitating factor in my career. In this video, I share the strategies I use and steps I take to keep productive, focused, and centred whilst avoiding overwhelm.
Thanks so much for the question Charlotte, and I hope the answer helps.
Want to start offering remote recording services? Watch my free workshop to find out the first steps to take, how to get clients, and what you should be charging: https://www.RemoteRecordingBusiness.com/workshop

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Building Feel Into Your Playing
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
How can you develop your feel?
This has always been a life-long obsession for me - how to create the greatest feel known to man! I'm not there yet, but I endeavour to go as far as I can with developing my feel and groove, forevermore :-) In this video, I share the things that I have done in the past and continue to do, to 'move the needle' towards a more delicious and delectable groove - hopefully one of the ideas will resonate with you, or you'll just realise how crazy and obsessive I am! Ach well! :-)
Thanks to Robert DiMaio for the question, and if you'd like to check out him and his music, just head here: https://www.robertdimaio.com/
Want to start offering remote recording services? Watch my free workshop to find out the first steps to take, how to get clients, and what you should be charging: https://www.RemoteRecordingBusiness.com/workshop

Friday May 08, 2020
How To Work On Your Live Performance
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
★☆ Learn 4 foundation skills that are ESSENTIAL for any professional drummer ☺☞
I was so reluctant to work on my performance side of playing when I was younger, I really didn't appreciate how important (AND FUN!!!) it would be! Here's how I did it, and man it's taken my playing, connection and enjoyment up a huuuuge level! :-)
Hope you enjoy! Share with someone you think would like this, and shoot across any questions you have or topics you'd like me to cover at info@adrummersguideto.com or leave them in the comments below :-)
Subscribe to my mailing list to not miss any future subjects: https://www.adrummersguideto.com/subscribe/

Friday May 01, 2020
Which DAW should you use?
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
★☆ Learn 4 foundation skills that are ESSENTIAL for any professional drummer ☺☞
The quick answer is... whatever works for you! Don't give in to peer pressure, or argue about why one is better than the other... they're all awesome for slightly different reasons, so base your decision on what you'll be using it for along with your intuition when using them... there really is no right or wrong answer on this as long as you do you :-)
If you have any questions or subjects you'd like me to cover, comment below :-) Hope you enjoy! Share with someone you think would like this, and shoot across any questions you have or topics you'd like me to cover at info@adrummersguideto.com or leave them in the comments below :-)
Subscribe to my mailing list to not miss any future subjects: https://www.adrummersguideto.com/subscribe/

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Letting Go To Shine Bright
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
There's one thought process I really had to shake in order to allow myself to be the best I can be in this life - watch this vid to find out what it is!
Is there anything you've had to overcome anything to let yourself be successful? Let me know in the comments!
Hope you enjoy! Share with someone you think would like this, and shoot across any questions you have or topics you'd like me to cover at info@adrummersguideto.com or leave them in the comments below :-)
★☆ If you're interested in my Professional Foundations Course, then you can sign up for updates here ☺☞

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Shiny Object Syndrome
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Oh, there are just so many lovely things to buy in this world! ESPECIALLY the music world! Here's my thought process to keep me in check so I don't over-do it (I have in the past), and try to be practical about these things! Hope it helps you too :-) Hope you enjoy! Share with someone you think would like this, and shoot across any questions you have or topics you'd like me to cover at info@adrummersguideto.com or leave them in the comments below :-)
★☆ If you're interested in my Professional Foundations Course, then you can sign up for updates here ☺☞